
    Fintech and IT Development

    April 18, 2019

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    Fintech is a new word in vogue used in finance industry.Fintec covers all sector in finance like product,any financial process or  banking services, financial applications,fund raising,transfer etc.

    FinTech is the new applications, processes, products, or business models in the financial services industry, composed of one or more complementary financial services and provided as an end-to-end process via the Internet.

    How things changed after fintech-

    Fintech has changed the mode of business in today’s market by making all activities online via internet.Instead of moving out for our local bank its just under  finger clicks.Use of smartphone have massively changed the end user(customer) behaviour completely.

    Now a days mostly existing financial bodies are implementing Fintech solutions and technologies in order to improvise their system and developing  their services, for prevailing competition in outside market.

    Fintech has opened various advanced financial services for common user to make their life easy in todays use these services user should be smart enough to make use of it.

    image2 (1)Fintech Incorporation-advance financial services


    Working on different finance related apps in Trignodev Softwares is a great experience what all  and from where, a simple customer can get access to new ideas and their developments.

    Fintech companies come across different threat while working online,data security and hacking,data breach also an increasing target of distributed denial of service extortion attacks,this security challenge is  also face by the institutions.

    One of the latest apps that we developed for one of our fintech clients is which is about lending money.